The Carbon Literacy Project was originally developed in Manchester and has now expanded
internationally. The Carbon Literacy Trust is a charity that offers a day’s worth of carbon literacy
learning to organisations and individuals. Jack Rhodes‐Worden (Museums Coordinator) provided an
overview of the ‘Carbon Literacy for Museums Toolkit’, which is a resource that allows museum staff
to gain skills and confidence on their climate action journey. He began by providing a definition for
Carbon Literacy ‐ “an awareness of the carbon costs & impacts of everyday activities & the ability &
motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational level”.
The Carbon Literacy Trust itself does not deliver training, it is an accreditation body and provider of a
framework for individuals and organisations to utilise. Each museum/organisation creates and
accesses learning materials (one day’s worth of learning, split into four modules) which can then be
used to train peers. Users are provided with a training manual, slide desk, activity pack, resource list
and evidence forms. Module 1 covers climate change science and impacts. Module 2 covers equity
and vulnerability, the role of museums and co‐benefits. Module 3 covers the policy position, carbon
footprints and low carbon museums. Module 4 covers spheres of influence and action planning. The
‘learning method’ at the heart of the process is peer delivery which aims to encourage group enquiry
and positivity. The learning method leads to two actions, on the individual and group (museum /organisation) level. Once museums have utilised the toolkit, they can submit evidence to
the Carbon Literacy Project to assess and certification is then awarded if set criteria are met. The
Carbon Literary Project has certified 32,583 citizens and has recorded 65,166 pledged actions.
Jack stressed how museums are in a unique position to influence millions of people each year.
Museums are influential in communities and beyond (tourists etc) and are generally trusted by the
visiting public. The sector’s engagement with Carbon Literacy has the potential to influence broad
audiences to engage with it too and could make a real impact in terms of carbon saved. Jack
highlighted that further information can be found at